Published Works

My maiden collection of short stories title 'Not Totally Unbelievable' was published by Leadstart Publications

 November 2011.  

Read more about the book HERE

My short story 'The Escape' was published in the 'Chicken Soup for the Indian Doctor's Soul'- 

  November 2011

Get your copy and more details of the publication HERE

My short story 'The Outburst of Emotions' was published in the inaugural issue 
of 'UNBound'- An E-mag by FWBA
15th August 2015
Launched on the 69th Independence Day of India, this E-mag is a venture of the FB group 'For Writers by Authors'. Compiled and edited by renowned published authors Neil D'Silva and Varun Prabhu, the theme of the first issue is FREEDOM.Fantastic thought provoking short stories and poems by 21 writers have been selected for the same. I feel privileged that my short story has been selected and published along side some very popular and accomplished writers like Aindrila Roy, Percy Wadiwala, Jean Spraker, Shom Biswas and Neil D'Silva and Varun Prabhu ofcourse.
The logo-symbol design for UNBound that appears on the cover page of this E-mag has also been designed by me! 
This is presently a FREE for DOWNLOAD E-mag. Please do visit the link to get your copy now!

My short story 'One Step at a Time' is a winning entry at a contest
September 2015

Another consecutive milestone achievement for me this year, once again. I have managed to secure the spot of a winner among some stalwart writers. 'The Write & Beyond Contest' selected 8 winning stories from scores of entries and my 'One Step at a Time' is one of them. Its a retelling of the macabre tale of retribution and redemption from Buddhist mythology

My short story 'Rangeelo' was published in 'Colors- Shades of Life'
an anthology of prose and verse, by Indian authors 
January 2016

Get your copy and more details of the publication HERE


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