on Mother's Day..

Image courtesy www.omahaballoon.com
BlogAdda has urged us on this Mother's Day to pay a tribute to our dear darling Mumma...And organised a contest very aptly!
I would like my fellow-bloggers to read a poem I had penned for her when the pain in my heart and the tears in my eyes wouldn't stop at all! I had no shoulder to cry on, no one with me except for
a pen and paper ..And I wrote to my Mum...

I still grieve!
is my tribute to my Mumma whom I will miss from the bottom of my heart till my dying day! :(

On a lighter note..Mumma wish you were around and I could gift you the goodies from PringOO to express my love for u! :)


bhavana gidwani said…
Wish all the mothers a very happy mothers day.

I said a Mother's Day prayer for you
to thank the Lord above
for blessing me with a lifetime
of your tenderhearted love.

I thanked God for the caring
you've shown me through the years,
for the closeness we've enjoyed
in time of laughter and of tears.

And so, I thank you from the heart
for all you've done for me
and I bless the Lord for giving me
the best mother there could be!
Unknown said…
My Mum passed away last year and everytime I read post like yours, it brings back nostalgic memories.

Moms are the greatest gift to mankind...Thomas
Usha said…
That was really sweet. :-)
Sureindran said…
Mothers are the best!

Sureindran R.
Surbhi Jain said…
I am so touched.... really nice post!!

Blog award waiting for you at my blog :)
Anonymous said…
here we go again, peddling 'pringoo'

paishya-sa bhavanencha vyapar pahila mhi,
tya kovalya phulancha baazar pahila mhi
Surbhi Jain said…
I am so touched.... really nice post!!

Blog award waiting for you at my blog :)
T and S said…
My Mum passed away last year and everytime I read post like yours, it brings back nostalgic memories.

Moms are the greatest gift to mankind...Thomas
Usha said…
That was really sweet. :-)

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