Book Title: Tell Me a Story (An Anthology) Author (Compiled by): Ravinder Singh Publisher: PENGUIN metro reads My Rating : ***1/2 About the Author/s: Ravinder Singh who compiled this anthology is a software engineer by profession, brought up in a very small town of Orissa called Burla. Before editing and compiling this anthology, Ravinder Singh had also launched an anthology of Love stories titled 'Love Stories That Touched My Heart'. The author has many other published books to his credit. The twenty one other authors who have contributed to the anthology come from different professional backgrounds but are storytellers for sure! 'Tell Me A Story'- the name of the book itself is a promising title that will compel lovers of the written word to reach out for the book. The subtitle says that the anthology has inspiring, touching, funny and heartfelt stories from life. And I'm a big sucker for true stories, so one can imagine my excitement to rea...
mujeee beee naisaiku sikhaaaooooo :(
Pitter Patter Pitter
Love I That Naisaiku
Naisaiku that I love
Pitter Patter Pitter!!! ;)
am in the learning phase..hope to get better
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have you a great week.
makes me remember the days when we splashed in the rain Pitter Patter Pitter
spalash splash splash :)