
" Must you, like a fish, drink?"
She asks, her voice so feeble.
He cares less to stop and think.
His tongue slurs and mouth dribbles.
He seems an incurable addict.
With him, no future to predict!

No horoscope needed to predict,
His health failing with each drink,
He has succumbed, the addict.
With each sip he grows feeble.
Out of his hands life dribbles,
Still he cares not, to think.

It is very sad to think,
Unlike what the horoscopes predict,
To him, her protests are only dribbles.
More than her, he loves his drink.
Their bond too is growing feeble!
Life in vain with a vane addict.

Before her eyes, wastes the addict.
It’s time for her to think.
His chances of survival feeble,
Is what people predict.
She has to get him off his drink.
His gaping mouth on the table, dribbles. 

She smashes the bottle, it dribbles.
She almost abhors this addict.
“Give up this mephitic drink
It's time to wake up and think.
Before there's only death to predict”
She orders, not at all feeble.

 Answers he, " To fight I’m too feeble.
I see my life, away it dribbles.
Alas! There’s only death to predict,
For me, an addict.
My vice, this drink,
To give it up I cannot think!”

She insists, “ Make decisions that aren't feeble.
Know that, it’s but poison that dribbles,
From a bottle and you drink!”

This is a SESTINA: 
Is a highly structured poem consisting of 6 six-line stanzas concluding with a 3-line “envoi”, for a total of thirty-nine lines.Rather than simply rhyming, the actual line-ending words are repeated in successive stanzas in a designated rotating order. The prescribed pattern for using the 6 line-ending words is:
1st stanza 1 2 3 4 5 6
2nd stanza 6 1 5 2 4 3
3rd stanza 3 6 4 1 2 5
4th stanza 5 3 2 6 1 4
5th stanza 4 5 1 3 6 2
6th stanza 2 4 6 5 3 1
envoi 2--5 4--3 6--1
 The sestina dates back to the Middle Ages when it was adopted by the Italian poets of the Renaissance (Dante and Petrarch), and is often used by contemporary poets.

This Sestina has been written for the Three Word Wednesday prompt 


Phoenixritu said…
It has a nice beat to it ... you could set it to some music
Wow! Addiction... Great SESTINA..

How powerful these lines are... Great Vibz...

She insists, “ Make decisions that aren't feeble.
Know that, it’s but poison that dribbles,
From a bottle and you drink!”

Do stop by Save a Heart! Initiative. vote if you like it..

Yours Frendly,
Someone Is Special
haha Ritu Di, Maybe we could compose it together..Not without you! ;)

@ SIS:
Thanku soo much for such generous praise. Tried to visit ur site but there seems to be some error. It doesn't open at my end..:(
Rumya said…
Great work Vibzz with this Sestina!!!
Looks like the poetry bug had bitten you too... ;)
Beautiful, rich verses...
Hope to see many more!! :)
Hehe Rumz looks like it has..:D
Thanks to Junior and Senior Lady Bhatts..:P
Jokes apart am enjoying exploring the treasure trove..Never imagined there were sooo many genres of poetry..
Thanks to you, Nanka and Leo once again! :))
Sometimes it takes time to load, max of five min, am working on my theme and I hope that this issues will be solved soon..

Yours Frendly,
Someone Is Special
very nicely done. I'd worked in this structure before, but you blew my doors off with this. Rich in emotion, this is.
Hey ThomG,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving such a beautiful compliment for me..:D
You just made my day! :))
magiceye said…
wonderfully crafted!
RGB said…
A nice lesson - About Sestina and Anti-alcoholism! Good attempt, I must say :D
Anonymous said…
blooddy brilliant.. Vibzzyyy..
awesome one
kitna complex hai yaar.. o_O
,main tho haadar gayi dekh ke.. :S
muje bhi sikha do :(
pleech pleech.. i promise to be a good student :P
Thankyou so much Magic Eye and RGB..

@ Megz:
Girl I had such a tough time writing this one...I'd taken it up like a challenge. Gives your minda good jog and yet its poetry after all..EMotions begin to flow soon too..I enjoyed Sestina thoroughly..try it! :D
Nethra said…
That was so complex yet I managed to understand it. Kewl! :) It was really good.

Boozing is fun but addiction isn't healthy, right?
Dhiraj said…
Hey nice one...Very nicely put..disadvantages of drinking...
Vibhuti B said…
Thankyou so much Magic Eye and RGB..

@ Megz:
Girl I had such a tough time writing this one...I'd taken it up like a challenge. Gives your minda good jog and yet its poetry after all..EMotions begin to flow soon too..I enjoyed Sestina thoroughly..try it! :D
megzone said…
blooddy brilliant.. Vibzzyyy..
awesome one
kitna complex hai yaar.. o_O
,main tho haadar gayi dekh ke.. :S
muje bhi sikha do :(
pleech pleech.. i promise to be a good student :P

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