55 fiction #3

As I stared deep into her eyes she said something.
Her lips curled to mouth three words animatedly.
And I nodded a 'YES' vehemently.
Yes, I've been deaf all my life!


Afronuts said…
lol...that was a good try.
And it made good sense, suspense all the way till the end.

I really want to try this 55 fiction, but i have so much I'm working on. When I'm lighter I'll do it.
The Analyst said…
55 fiction huh, never heard of it before... but seems you do have talent in expressing something complete in 55 words or less, I don't think any of my posts are shorter than 10 times that length which is kind of my problem, anyway good post...
The Analyst said…
55 fiction huh, never heard of it before... but seems you do have talent in expressing something complete in 55 words or less, I don't think any of my posts are shorter than 10 times that length which is kind of my problem, anyway good post...
Divenita said…
:) liked this

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