The Alarm Cock

The cock with the crimson comb,
Called out with great aplomb.
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo, he said,
"Wake-up you, sleepy head!"

Before I'd begun to rise
What a surprise!
He gave a big burp,
Saying "Ive gobbled them all up.

Not a worm left, poor you!
The early bird I am
And that's no sham."

This poem has been written for the 'Z-A in 26 Days Challenge' at I Rhyme Without Reason 


Nanka said…
Good food for the Cock-A-Doodle-Doo
If I was one, I'd like doing it too
Do visit my café
enjoy café au lait
Plenty there to doo!! ;)

Loved this witty rhyme!!! :D
And I'm burping, filled with enjoyment too!! ;)
Leo said…
interesting :D the rooster awakened another rooster? ;)
Dev said…
The curse of the alarm clock is still as deadly as it always was...
vibhutib said…
It was such a beautiful invitation in Rhyme I had to come over and try the cafe...:) Thanku
vibhutib said…
Leo, I am always amazed how you have a very creative take on a creative take!!! ;)
Nice one...the first line and the pic goes perfectly well...
There definitely needs to be an incentive for waking up first.

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