This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 12 ; the twelfth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton . While festivities in the royal palace continued on the event of The Emperor's son returning back from his expedition and the commencement of the New Year, Wu Zhung sat aloof in her chamber. After a decade, a silk scroll from LuiFei had arrived and it now lay in Wu Zhung's lap. YinHe had seen her read and reread it in the full moon light. He stepped a little closer and took a peek, himself. What one wants and what one gets, If for the better, the old one forgets, When wants become things, For which one craves, Then wants become wishes, And one becomes a slave. When one sets about, Getting what he wants, Then little seems too less, And he wishes for more. Seldom does he remember, He never had it before! The words were neatly written in a slender, slant
But please sleep well and don't be restless.
I know you have a pair of birds flying there soon ;)
I'm going on a short vacation, be back soon!! Some of my scheduled posts will show up but I may not be able to comment on your posts. Hope to catch up when I get back!! :)
Take care of those exotic birds flying in!! :D
Mwaaaahzzzz!!! :D
~Nanka & Rumzz!! :D
Sorry we've not been around all summer, but we're back in town now!!
Thanks for taking the NaiSaiKu Challenge?!!!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
perfect for navratri!!
I feel really motivated by all your sweet words of appreciation...
Thanks a ton!
Thanks so much for contributing such a well thought out post. I really appreciate the hard work and thinking behind it.
ABC Team
Thanks so much for contributing such a well thought out post. I really appreciate the hard work and thinking behind it.
ABC Team
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Sorry we've not been around all summer, but we're back in town now!!
Thanks for taking the NaiSaiKu Challenge?!!!