
Showing posts from November, 2011

Unleashing Genius: A book review

Book title: Unleashing  Genius What about? :  A book on learning Miracles For : Children of all ages & adults of all disciplines Author: Dilip Mukerjea Publisher: Westland For a reader each book has something to teach. If our mind is open to reading what the author has written between the lines, a book of fiction can also be a learning experience. However here is a book which is an out and out personality development course. ā€˜Unleashing Geniusā€™ completely reminds me of the summer camp my mum had enrolled me for, in my school days. What a world of a change it had brought in me. My perception and outlook had changed completely. For ages Iā€™ve been wondering why I didnā€™t keep those course papers of that personality development camp, safely. They had disappeared into oblivion and I was wishing I could lay my hands back on them once again, somehow, miraculously.  And Voila! I have found a far more superior complete book on learning miracles- Unleas...

The very first review of NTU

" Every one of us will have a thousand stories to tell. But not all stories have the same charm. What makes a story fascinating is the minor details that make the stories come alive and give the reader a vicarious experience of living through the story. Vibhuti has excelled in this element......  " The very first review of  'Not Totally Unbelievable' and its TOTALLY made my day! Karthik LakshmiNarayan of Lucifer House Inc. has done it again. Constructive criticism has always been his forte but this time he has gone steps ahead and given a budding author such brilliant support and a beautiful pedestal of words of appreciation..I can't thank him enough!     For a humbly written book as mine I never expected such a heart warming review.     Read the first and complete BOOK REVIEW of 'Not Totally Unbelievable'. 

LEAD to a headSTART

Mighty Oaks from little Acorns grow...... And one such seed of thought led me to consider having my collection of short stories published. I am sure every aspiring writer knows how difficult it is to progress into becoming a published author and I began the journey with all possible fears too. It was only a letter from my former editor in charge late Mr. Sunil Poolani ( may his soul rest in peace ), that brought cheer and hope to me. It was a wonder to receive a letter from him that extolled my writing capacities. What happiness!     It is by God's grace that I got the right publishing break through Leadstart Publishing. Founded in 1994, Frog Books now an imprint of Leadstart, brings out about 10 titles a month. And I'm happy to let my readers know that 'Not Totally Unbelievable' is one of their New Releases in the month of November.  My maiden title 'Not Totally Unbelievable' is sailing smoothly on the waves of love from readers far and wide. Many thanks to ...