Confessions of the 8th Sin of Fashion

#FAME reads the invitingly classy purple banner. And is there another better word than that to catch a Fashionista's eye? Its almost as if Fashion and Fame have been two sides of the same coin since forever now. The more fashionable you are, the more eyeballs you grab. That's like given! Style however is more about how you carry fashion. Style is what YOU make of the fashion trends thrown at you. BUT how do you know whether you are good or bad, IN or OUT? And for the uninitiated, is it possible to learn the HOWs at this stage? For the internet addicts or better called the 'Netaratti', in this case, is there one place where you could get your A-Zs of Style & Fashion spoon-fed to you? Take the 'March Ka Mantra' from none other than Karan Johar himself and get in the know, I say. With his tongue in cheek digs at some fashion critics 'Social Media' sent his way, I am ready for the daily dope of Fashion, KJO and his Fashion Bri...