
Showing posts from 2011

Unleashing Genius: A book review

Book title: Unleashing  Genius What about? :  A book on learning Miracles For : Children of all ages & adults of all disciplines Author: Dilip Mukerjea Publisher: Westland For a reader each book has something to teach. If our mind is open to reading what the author has written between the lines, a book of fiction can also be a learning experience. However here is a book which is an out and out personality development course. ā€˜Unleashing Geniusā€™ completely reminds me of the summer camp my mum had enrolled me for, in my school days. What a world of a change it had brought in me. My perception and outlook had changed completely. For ages Iā€™ve been wondering why I didnā€™t keep those course papers of that personality development camp, safely. They had disappeared into oblivion and I was wishing I could lay my hands back on them once again, somehow, miraculously.  And Voila! I have found a far more superior complete book on learning miracles- Unleas...

The very first review of NTU

" Every one of us will have a thousand stories to tell. But not all stories have the same charm. What makes a story fascinating is the minor details that make the stories come alive and give the reader a vicarious experience of living through the story. Vibhuti has excelled in this element......  " The very first review of  'Not Totally Unbelievable' and its TOTALLY made my day! Karthik LakshmiNarayan of Lucifer House Inc. has done it again. Constructive criticism has always been his forte but this time he has gone steps ahead and given a budding author such brilliant support and a beautiful pedestal of words of appreciation..I can't thank him enough!     For a humbly written book as mine I never expected such a heart warming review.     Read the first and complete BOOK REVIEW of 'Not Totally Unbelievable'. 

LEAD to a headSTART

Mighty Oaks from little Acorns grow...... And one such seed of thought led me to consider having my collection of short stories published. I am sure every aspiring writer knows how difficult it is to progress into becoming a published author and I began the journey with all possible fears too. It was only a letter from my former editor in charge late Mr. Sunil Poolani ( may his soul rest in peace ), that brought cheer and hope to me. It was a wonder to receive a letter from him that extolled my writing capacities. What happiness!     It is by God's grace that I got the right publishing break through Leadstart Publishing. Founded in 1994, Frog Books now an imprint of Leadstart, brings out about 10 titles a month. And I'm happy to let my readers know that 'Not Totally Unbelievable' is one of their New Releases in the month of November.  My maiden title 'Not Totally Unbelievable' is sailing smoothly on the waves of love from readers far and wide. Many thanks to ...

Happy Diwali @ FlipKart

It has indeed been a happy Diwali for me. God is great!  And then like a cherry on the icing, I visited only to find MY FIRST BOOK available for purchase online.. At 25% Discounted Price 'Not Totally Unbelievable' can also make a wonderful Padva/ New year gifting idea... Its just a hop, skip, jump to www.  and then a click to pick it up..BUT you will have to promise a book review will be posted as soon as my book is read..Now make me a Diwali gift too!!! :D   Synopsis: Lin delves into her knowledge of the magical powers of the Tisane to solve the problem that her elder sister Liu is facing at The Lingnan Tea House.   Dereck has accidentally slipped into a seemingly unending black hole while trekking in the Black Forests of Germany. His whole life flashes before his eyes as he travels down the dark tunnel. Once out in broad daylight, he is surprised to be alive and shocked to find himself in India. One evening a teenager looks up fr...

When dreams come true.....

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths . - Walt Disney I started this blog and began exploring myself as a storyteller. Little did I know that I was actually opening up a door for myself!  I was only an advertising professional- a copywriter until I gave it all up, went on a hiatus away from it all and found my MoJo to write for myself. Write like I wished to. Write to entertain not sell. So here I was, dishing out tales, deriving inspiration from true life stories. And what a splendid support I received from my fellow bloggers and friends. They gave me the confidence to see myself in a new light, as a writer! I now walk down a new path, hoping all my friends here in the blog-o-sphere will guide me as lovingly as they had in the past. I request you to once again oblige me with your love, visits and readership. My dear friends, my maiden venture as an author has been published ...

The Secret of the Nagas: Book Review

The Secret of the Nagas: The sequel in the Shiva Trilogy. Author: Amish Tripathi Publisher: Westland My Rating:  **1/2 Since I read this sequel to the ā€˜   The Immortals of Meluhaā€™ right after, expectations from this second book were even greater. That must have been the only reason why the second book from the same writer became a very big disappointment for me. From the first book Iā€™d decided that Amish Tripathi is a very intelligent writer but ā€˜The Secret of the Nagasā€™ has brought him rungs lower than heā€™d actually climbed up to, in my opinion. The book cover is so intriguing and the book title promises the unearthing of some tantalizing secret between the pages but nothing like that happened. One of the sinister Nagas has murdered Brahaspati, the great scientist of Meluha who had become Shivaā€™s quite a good friend. Subsequently the death threat was on Sati, Shivaā€™s beloved wife. So Shiva is out to hunt the dangerous Naga down. The Neelkanth has more tha...

The Immortals of Meluha: Book Review

The Immortals of Meluha: The first book of the Shiva Trilogy. Author: Amish Tripathi Publisher: Westland My Rating:  **** The book cover will definitely draw the BholeNath fans towards. A fine illustration of how Amish describes Shiva ā€“ a lithe muscular body with numerous battle scars on his skin.  The back cover blurb however instantly erases any chances of the reader expecting a mythological tale.  It clearly states that this is the story of a man whom legend has turned into God. Interesting! So this should be a completely different and contemporary take on the age-old stories our grannies have been telling us about Lord Shiva. And indeed it turns out to be quite a good read. Amish is an intelligent writer and the kind of research that has gone into the book shows. It is amazing to see how each character connected with Shiva and his mythological stories, appears and develops as the story unfolds.  Shiva is in fact a mere mortal, the chief o...

'Musings of a Wanderer'- A review

I remember a friend of mine expressing his doubts about the future of poetry when I suggested he seriously consider getting his collection of poetries published. Someone had crippled his faith by saying that prose would rule the publisherā€™s choice over poetry, anytime! I beg to differ.                My heartfelt congratulations to you Shreya Chatterjee and I applaud your effort in bringing your feelings out into the limelight through such fluent poetic verses. Shreya Chatterjeeā€™s ā€˜Musings of a Wandererā€™ is a collection of short verses that rekindle hope in this day and age that poetry will not die a slow death. As long as emotions and experiences stir one to pull out their quills, one should continue to write in verse. And also believe in it enough to know that there will be some hearts out there that will definitely relate to your words and connect with your book of verses. This extremely reader friendly slim book of 95 Pgs. i...

55 Fiction #8

His heart began racing on hearing the roar in the distance. It was a pitch dark night. He bravely began moving in the direction of the growling which got louder and louder, as he inched closer, stealthily. With one sweep he deftly pulled the wallet out from beneath the snoring manā€™s pillow and bounded away. 


With a promise that I have picked up my pen with an intention to write and post more regularly, now on, like in the past. My dear readers, I'm sure will rebuild my faith in my writing with ur kind words of appreciation and serious criticism too..:D Here's a fresh new story as a toast to this rich blogger's world and our friendship!!! Now on I will write like there is no TOMORROW.. TOMORROW ā€œRickshawā€ she yelled but all zipped past her, laden with passengers. Well past 10pm. M.G. Road was still a busy thoroughfare. The dinner meeting had sealed the deal and Neena was elated that sheā€™d be standing on her own two feet, an independent fashion designer, very soon.  Presently however, she couldnā€™t stand in her stilettos anymore. Her back hurt so much that she wished she could tear them off her feet right away. Just then a rickshaw stalled a little ahead seeing Neena flailing her arms. She was saved.  ā€œAundhā€ she informed the rickshaw driver. As she hastily stepped in, Nee...

The BrainFever Bird

...And neither did I know that theres anything named like this until I spotted this bird, lurking in the branches. What an amazing sight! Wish my lens was good enough but I watched it to my heart's content. And I am sure it's keen eyes were staring right back at me. These birds are always so alert that even if I make the slightest sound I soon find them looking at me, into my lens..:D The Brainfever bird , is a medium sized Common Hawk Cuckoo. I don't know whether it is just me or is there an uncanny resemblance with the Shikra  and the Asian Koel ? Maybe the similarity to these birds gives it the categoric name Hawk-Cuckoo. Learnt at WikiPedia that this bird is a brood parasite, laying its eggs in the Babbler's nests.. Another question occured in my mind, Why would they be known as the brain-fever birds? And I found the amswer at WikiPedia again.. During their breeding season in summer males produce loud, repetitive three note calls that are well-rendered a...


Image W hen evening breeze blows O h! how romantic it is W istful, mellow, its tickling Have begun blogging again and heres my first Acrostic Haiku for the month of March, posted for Innovative Prompt C:  W OW and Breeze, Mellow, Tickle

Editor's Choice!

Every writer dreads the Editor. And to be the apple of the Editor's eye is a terribly coveted privilege too, isn't it?  Blog Junta has just brought this good news my way! Yayyyyyyyyy!! At least one story from my recent series has caught their eye. Does that mean there is hope for me as a writer? Do I hear a YES? :D Do visit the selected story  It Was Time...  Thankyou for the beautiful shiny medal! ;) Three Cheers to the Editors at BlogJunta..Hip Hip Hurray!!!

Best of Indian Blogosphere (BoIB) 2010 polls

Dear friends, I'd always loved poetry even as a kid but only realised that I could write one too not until I was in the 5th grade. I was overwhelmed to see my poetry published in a community magazine in 1999 when I was a teenager. And my recent poetic achievement is that my blog has been shortlisted for the   final round of Best of Indian Blogosphere (BoIB) 2010 polls under the category  Poetry. Please find the polling widget in the sidebar. Hope youll will vote for me and show me your love once again. :D

Curtain Raiser on the brand New Year 2011

Yaaayyy!!! Here's my latest acquisition and boy, am I proud of that! BlogAdda has sent me this shiny new badge to flaunt my victory. What an inspiring way to begin blogging all over again in the fresh New Year. :D Thankyou Blog Adda. Thankyou Anisha..Threee cheers to this wonderful world of blogging!!!! Hip Hip Hurraah.... Here's a picture for BlogAdda's  Share-A-Photo contest ...