
Showing posts from September, 2014

WOW-When I met a stranger...#CelebrateBlogging

That evening had been like none other.  The prelude was a lovely start to a beautiful Winter's Saturday at our Pune home. My Papa's childhood friend, whom I address as Bappa and his loving wife-  Pachchi  had visited us after ages. And in tow were Pachchi's Sister and Brother-In-Law. Over the home-cooked Lunch of typically favourite dishes from our Konkani cuisine, began a jolly good chat between the group of wisened minds. Pachchi's Brother-In-Law who she addressed as Bhavaji thankfully had an extremely jovial nature and he had soon livened up their get-together with his impromptu jokes.I found him very entertaining and it was a relief to realise that I wasn't feeling pressurised to behave in a certain  manner as the elderly usually tend to expect. I was least bit bored between them, like I'd dreaded. "Oh! Come on, Vasant. It's my son's car. The driver will drop you two back after dinner. It will be great fun, I promise! The more...

Jeep & Bourbon- Chapter 18 #CelebrateBlogging

 Read the previous chapter HERE Chapter 18: Knock, Knock, Whose There? I knock on the door and wait. The name plate reads Ahujas. He is not just a rental tenant then, I deduce. This morning we had exchanged  a quick hello and smile but that was all. It would be nice to befriend the new neighbour. After all a stay-at-home dad also needs some friends to keep him sane. I am quite confident of finding a friend in this Super-Model. His smile was very genuine too. The eyes weren't vacant like they usually are when someone is giving you that fake smile. I'm proud of myself at this moment as I attribute this keen sense of observation for my great writing skills. How casually Aryan Ahuja, a Pg.3 Super Model, had attended Roohi's birthday party last month, just at the little one's behest. And he also brought her that lavish present which was totally uncalled for. What a friendly gesture! Who does that nowadays? We didn't get a chance to share much the oth...

Jeep & Bourbon- Chapter 15 #CelebrateBlogging

Chapter 15- Beware of Strangers! Read the previous part   HERE Beefed up biceps, pecks of perfection, that swagger and macho jaw-line. One of Aryan Ahuja's portfolio picture is open on my screen. She's mailed the best to me, she said. Jenny has spotted this 6 feet -something model in a blog-post written by Cyrus. Indeed great material for our magazine's 'SPOTLIGHT' section for this month.  I'm working from home today and for the next couple of days until I'm sure Roohi is totally fine. Though it's been difficult to focus on work, all of this morning, Jenny's coercive call has got me back on my toes. A dozen pictures and  'Attaching just a few for your kind perusal'   says her mail. I smirk but immediately hit the forward button and there his pictures go to our Editor's Inbox. "Phew! Quite a tease, this man!" I catch myself thinking.  "When did you change, Tara?" I question m...

Jeep & Bourbon Part 2 #CelebrateBlogging

  By the Team:  Read the previous part of the story   HERE   Chapter 2: Touch- Me-Not ā€œYouā€™re my superstar!ā€ heā€™d said and Iā€™d fallen for him almost instantly but then he flew away to the States never to return. ā€œTara, you truly are worthy of your nameā€ Shekhar had said, looking up from the script Iā€™d written for our college drama. Sheku was the only guy who was as perfect as that ā€˜first loveā€™ of my life. That winning smile, the glint in his eyes and the awe in his voice is etched in my memory, like it was yesterday. Now he just sits there with that smile pasted on his face, come what may! To the extent that it now appears fake. How can anyone be so happy and contented with himself? Fifteen years of lolling about in those track pants and Tees, writing a stray article here and some web content there.  Sheku, Oh, Sheku! Today, youā€™re just a mere shadow of that man Iā€™d married. Whereā€™s that promising young writer with frizzy hair, that co...

A tryst with Cyclophobia - a True Story......

On the occasion of TEACHER's DAY I would like to pay a tribute to a different kind of teacher. I had the privilege of sharing some very beautiful days in his company, when at Karla, near Lonavala in Mahrashtra. That phase of life was abruptly cut short by an unexpected turn of events and as destiny would have it, we lost him, very suddenly. Within those couple of years the amount of knowledge he had imparted, the thoughts and principles he had shared left a lasting impression and have also transformed me into a better, thinking person, I can most definitely say. My maiden publication of short stories titled 'Not Totally Unbelievable' was dedicated to him- my Father-In-law and my mother, the Teachers who taught me so much in life from their anecdotes, stories and quotes. Oh, why did you'll have to leave me so prematurely? So here's a funny but true story from the same book -'Not Totally Unbelievable' that was based on my Father-in-Law's personality, ...

PRIVATE INDIA: A book review

Book Title: PRIVATE INDIA Genre: Murder Mystery Author: Ashwin Sanghi & James Patterson Publisher: Random House My Rating: **** Ashwin Sanghi- one author of today's times whose work I really admire. Became a greater fan of his after Chanakya's Chant.  All his books have been based in history and enumerate theological and mythological topics. PRIVATE INDIA -this book belongs to such a different genre visited by the author which also happens to be my favourite, that's how I got very intrigued. Also the idea of a collaboration between two famous writers who have very distinctive styles of writing was unique to me. James Patterson- heard a lot of good about his books but never picked up any of his works, so my mind was like that empty cup!   Having picked up the book and read through a few pages, I'd immediately shared at my Facebook Page.."  Short chapters. Extremely easy comprehension. No complex story telling but prose that triggers gr...