Ek Cutting Chai

The most refreshing beverage I know Tea aka Cutting Chai. Served in short glasses at small stalls around Indian street corners, it's the most refreshing with a hint of Masala or Ginger added to it. You are to sip on this milky brew it, slowly, very slowly. And have the Aaahaaa experience!  Kadak!!!

To sample the world's favourite beverages visit here


Indrani said…
Great shot.
Love the effect given to the image.
magiceye said…
where is the chai? piliya?
Neha said…
I must have written at least 3-4 posts on tea..I love it :) and mentioned my love for tea in passing in so so so many posts :P
Rumya said…
Love the Kadak Masala/Ginger Chai...but you forgot about the sweet syrup-ppy part of it!! ;) LOL :D
Gauri said…
Ahhhhh! Monsoon+ steaming Cutting+ pakoras= BLISS!
Nice click
Check mine here
Shilpa Garg said…
I was just about to have my evening tea! And would have loved to have one cutting chai with you, but there's none here! :(
Rumya said…
Lovely take on the simple chai. A staple diet in Mumbai. Love that syrup...
Rumya said…
Oppss....sorry that last comment was from Nanka...Didn't realize which gmail id was signed in..
Hey you guys,
Am so happy to see so many of my blogger friends love Chai as much as I do..
Yeah and MagicEye, you didnt get here fast enough..:P I can guzzle those cutting chai verrrry fast!!! :))
Vee said…
i knew someone would put up a picture of Chai.. And, so you did! :D
RGB said…
Miss the cutting chai. In office we get this sweet milky warm drink that can barely pass off as tea!

Love that pic. Says a thousand words.
RGB said…
Miss the cutting chai. In office we get this sweet milky warm drink that can barely pass off as tea!

Love that pic. Says a thousand words.
Shilpa Garg said…
I was just about to have my evening tea! And would have loved to have one cutting chai with you, but there's none here! :(

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