
Refreshing sweet
A welcome respite
From the scorching sun’s heat
Bowl full of nectar, a parched throat’s delight
Oh! Fruit of palm, come and appease. Hanging high above, please don’t tease
I doubt, like me there's another connoisseur. In my palm you are treasure
I thank you palms for this wonderful treat
Nectar-like, coconut water does beat
All juices clearly
Favorite always

Fibonacci poetry is a literary form based on the Fibonacci number sequence. The sequence begins like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. In order to find the next number in the sequence, you add the two preceding numbers. The sum of these two is the next number, which then is added to the one before it to get to the next number, and so on. This is how it works:
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 2 = 5
5 + 3 = 8
8 + 5 = 13
13 + 8 = 21
Fibonacci poems can embody the number sequence in two ways, either in numbers of syllables or in numbers of words. 
This Fibonacci Poetry has especially been written for The Theme Thursday

Do go ahead and visit those beautiful Memes and I promise you will discover a whole world of beautiful poets out there.


RLM Cooper said…
Nice little coconuts can also whack you in the head if you are not careful when they fall. Thunk! :)
LOL..Oh Yeah!
Thats for dimwits who decide to stand or sleep right beneath..
The water may help to revive them huh? hehehe
Thanks for visiting Angelmay..Hope to see you again..:))
Julie said…
That is an interesting structure for your poem. I like the shape of the lines it creates. Palm trees bring to my mind crystal clear lagoons and clean white sands, and the time to enjoy them both. Thank you for your post.
Brian Miller said…
nice form. i have never tried this type of have inspired me....and them...happy tt!
Lesley said…
I remember how surprised I was at my first taste of coconut water. Until then, I wasn't fond of the coconut.
chiccoreal said…
DearThank-you for the advice. I will take a more circuitous indirect route to the place of coconuts!"Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up!"Harry Nillson
Me said…
Nice take on the TT theme, and thank you for introducing me to a new form of poetry...I was not familiar with this style before.

Amity said…
Hi Vhibs...

Oh we have a lot of that here in our country...our town is known as the coconut it abounds here in our place, i suddenly wanted to eat and drink its juice...

btw, you made a beautiful fibo poem here...:)

and thanks for taking part in my prompt this week...:) have a nice day!
C.M. Jackson said…
put the lime in the coconut and drink it on up!! nice work! I want to learn about this form of poetry--great work-c
@ Julie:
Thanks and glad that you relished this poem. Yes, Our Indian coastlines are as pristine..Do visit..:)

Happy TT to you too...I discovered this genre of poetry only recently too..try it, its fun! It also lets you revisit some Maths..hehe
Haha Chicoreal,
You have great sense of humour there! :))
Thankyou for sharing that wonderful video too..TC
Hey C,
Theres a whole pandora's box full of different genres of poetry. I am trying one after another and having a great time..Thanks for visiting my work and hope to see you again! :) TC

@Amity: Think of me when you go and gorge on that rejuvenating drink! :)
Thanks for the compliment.This was my first try at it..I think the interesting prompt made it easier..:))
looking forward to more..TC friend
Hi C.M.Jackson,
Its really very easy..Just follow the pattern given below my poem and you have it..Just remain a poet dont become a mathematician though!!! :P Hehehe..TC..looking forward to readin a Fibo from you..:)) Tc
RGB said…
You seem to be experimenting with many forms of poetry of late. Fibonacci poetry now...interesting. Good going!
Leeuna Foster said…
Lovely poem, very refreshing. And I do love coconuts. Happy TT
Great piece of poem.. Great work..

Yours Frendly,
Someone Is Special
Rumya said…
Nice try at a Fibo - Reverse Fibo Vibbzzz!!! :D

I love Coconut Water!! ;)
Nanka said…
Loved your try at Fibonacci Poetry with coconut as the theme. Another drink I so much love besides the syrup chai you talked about in another post.

Must tell you this, remember the coconut trees in our school?? One did fall on a friend of mine at assembly time. Know LOL's there...unfortunately she was looking up and it fell on her eye. No damage was done.
Claudia said…
...your writing made me wanna have a coconut...mmmmm...
Roy said…
What an interesting use of the Fibonacci sequence! I've used it to create sounds in FM synthesis and non-tempered scales in music. It lends itself well to playing around. Great take on the this week's theme; good work!
Meri said…
Not a fan of coconuts, but love the structure of cinquain, haiku, etc. so I'll try this new-to-me form.
PattiKen said…
Thanks for the introduction to a new form of poetry. And coconuts? Yum.
Loch Rob said…
Mathematics of the poem aside, I enjoyed your writing. Very visual with imagergy. Thought provoking too. Something about those connoisseurs, right?
Francisca said…
It's a but late, but you might find my last TT post a nice complement to your poem. :-)
Vinay Leo R. said…
sort of a quenching post this Vibz ;) :D

lovely... and a good attempt at fib rev fib :)
Excellently written, since the energy it must have taken to conform must have taken some deep thought.
PattiKen said…
Thanks for the introduction to a new form of poetry. And coconuts? Yum.
C.M. Jackson said…
put the lime in the coconut and drink it on up!! nice work! I want to learn about this form of poetry--great work-c
Vibhuti B said…
LOL..Oh Yeah!
Thats for dimwits who decide to stand or sleep right beneath..
The water may help to revive them huh? hehehe
Thanks for visiting Angelmay..Hope to see you again..:))

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