55 Fiction #6

She had found the best escape from her pain, isolation, helplessness &  shame.

She would KILL the voice that tormented her from within!

Her baby wailed for milk but she had to help herself first.

Her heart beat faster and faster as she swallowed it.

…..And it was sheer ECSTACY!


Anonymous said…
Beautifully expressed as always Vibs.. :)
Sree said…
Thats such a Higgghhh!! Nice!! :)
Anonymous said…
Bikram said…
hmmmm sad truth of todays generation.. see it so many times when at work .. really SAD situation people get themselves into ..
Sayak Shome said…
ECSTACY!! The word oozes pathos and sarcasm although it means just the opposite.
magiceye said…
wonderfully conveyed!
adarshs said…
d manner in which d thought has been put is pretty interesting :)
Anonymous said…
nicely written..
loved it :)
nicely written..
loved it :)
Sayak Shome said…
ECSTACY!! The word oozes pathos and sarcasm although it means just the opposite.
Bedlam said…
Beautifully expressed as always Vibs.. :)

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