The Asian Koel

Had spotted the beautiful black male Asian Koel quite many days ago and you can know more about the cuckoo in the post I'd done then titled 'Two in the Bush'

Yesterday after th epre-monsoon showers I was standing on the terrace and my little 1 year old spots this bird hidden between the branches. It also appeared as if it was shivering in the cold winds..
We blew her lots of flying kissys ..:) but only God can do something to keep her warm...:(

Observe the beautiful pattern on her body, the spots are complemented by the striped tail.

The Female Asian Koel  (Eudynamys scolopacea)


T F Carthick said…
Nice one.

How do you manage these pics? Do you have a camera with excellent zoom or your really able to get this close without scaring the birds?

I only have to content myself with watching the birds with my field glasses from afar.
Hey TF,
thats great to know that u enjoy birding too..
I sadly, do not have an SLR camera for all this..
Im using my Sanyo which has an X10 zoom lens thats all..:(
Im lucky that we have a Neem tree right outside our terrace and I get a good eye to eye view of the birds from this 3rd floor flat..:D
Phoenixritu said…
Nice pic, the lush green and the bird came out so beautifully. This reminds me that we have so many birds where I stay. Must take some pics
sushobhan roy said…
Hey that's an awesome click.. Completely mesmerized me.. :)

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