
Image courtesy : nikta.deviantart.com

‘I’ used in ego,
Ego brings you down surely.
Surely then is humbled pride.
Pride that came with success, clearly.

Clearly success is short-lived with ‘I’.
‘I’ is that stone over which you stumble.
Stumble and fall that you may know.
Know, that loved are only those humble!

This has been written for the Z-A in 26 Days Challenge at 'I Rhyme Without Reason'


Victoria said…
That darn ego trips me up every time! Enjoyed it.
Nanka said…
Oh yes those ego trips are up to no good :( and let me reassure you that you are definitely not on that road :) Great work Vibzzz and enjoyed this short, sweet poem with a lot of truth in it. :)
Leo said…
so shall we forget the I and do a WE instead, Vibz? :)
vibhutib said…
We are doing a 'we' here at the challenge Leo aren't we already..We are having fun together!!!!!! :D
vibhutib said…
Thankyou once again Nanka. Oh! Life has taught me enough lessons to ever have a bloated head...And yes, I really hope I remember that and never go on an ego trip, ever!!! :D
vibhutib said…
Haha Victoria, such an honest confession there...You better take a lesson now! :P ;)
Kavita said…
You have written a lovely poem here, Vibhuti.. Humility is the name of the game indeed!!

Phhheeww!! Excellent are your words
Words that are honest and true
"True to self" be the Motto
Motto which'll make most follow you! :)
vibhutib said…
A compliment through a loop poetry that in itself is a wonderful mesg. Thanks a ton for this Kavita. I am most greatful..:))
vibhutib said…
Thankyou for such a beautiful compliment.. A looped response to a loop poetry!!! WOW..am extremely greatful for this Kavita..:))
Rumya said…
Yay!! Loop poem!! I think I'd say its my favorite style of poetry....after Haiku that is... ;)

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