M for Moths
After scouring the net I have deduced that this cousin of the butterfly is probably the
Two Spotted Herpetogramma Bipunctalis Moth
Moths and Butterflies both belong to the order LEPTIDOPTERA and hence are first cousins..;)
If someone can give me a confirmation on the species of this winged wonder or correct this amatuer nature enthusiast if wrong, will be obliged! :D
Less famous cousin
A little less beautiful
Lives in the shadow
This post is an entry at the Z-A in 26 Days Challenge @ I Rhyme Without Reason
And now that you have confirmed my knowledge about moths and butterflies being first cousins, I like the former too!! :)
A sweet tribute to these simple winged creatures...
My M is a Murder.
I dint know much about moths either only until I clicked this refugee. :)
I love butterflies too and so does my lil son. He called this moth a butterfly and that triggered this post! :))
Thanks for your sweet words of praise!
loved the haiku... speacially the last line.