
Designed on instinct
The sculptor melds the motley parts
Behold masterpiece

This has been written for 
One Single Impression Prompt#144: Meld
prompt #19: Instinct


Ramesh Sood said…
What an art and I can only imagine about the have sculpted the write so well.. Thanks!
Gemma @ Greyscale said…
Love the idea of the artist sculptor working with the wonders of instinct! Lovely haiku!
Sumit Sarkar said…
Awesome haiku and an amazing picture... :)
Rajlakshmi said…
awesome :d beautifully described the picture :D
Harshad said…
Instinct brought to shape in sculpture ... and in words, in Haiku.
Nanka said…
LOL!! :D Did the sculpture really do that?? :D

A commendable sense of purpose to create uniquely!! I suppose :D
Teresa said…
Very impressive~I love the sculpture you chose to go with it.
Cheryl said…
Nicely done haiku and I love that image.
Tumblewords said…
I like this a lot!!
Amanda said…
I never thought of it before but I suppose art is created on instinct too bad I have none I cannot even draw a straight line LOL! Lovely Haiku.
ms pie said…
never seizes to amaze me the artistic endeavor of creation... and then i see a wrenches and other odd assortments... truly a masterpiece as stated...
vibhutib said…
Thanks a ton Ramesh.
vibhutib said…
Thankyou Gemma, am an artist and most of the pieces I am happy with were made on instinct! :))
vibhutib said…
Thanku Sumit..:)
vibhutib said…
Thankyou Harshad..:)
vibhutib said…
Yes Nanka, there are many creative sculptors who actually get such crazy ideas and are able to also give shape to them!
vibhutib said…
Thankyou Teresa,:)
vibhutib said…
Thanku Cheryl, :)
vibhutib said…
Dont worry Amanda, you are very creative in your writng and it is an art in itself~!!
I am an artist and when we were given this exercise at colg I created out of instinct.
So heres an haiku celebrating that ..:)
vibhutib said…
Thankyou Ms. Pie, We'd done a similar exercise at my art colg. where we had to assemble odd parts like these abd create a graceful figurine..I wasnt as successful but this artist had surely made a masterpiece. I dedicate this haiku to him!!! :D
amanda said…
thanks Vibhuti!
Jingle said…
smart take...
well done.
Tammie said…
creative take on meld.

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