Quarter of a year ago....


Quarter of a year ago I stood
 at the same door and rung the bell.

The door opened and there stood
 the most beautiful angel.

Quarter of a year ago
she wasn't my wedded wife

But soon as my mother’s daughter-in-law
 she lost her life

 I'd asked her hand in marriage
My family was in much of a hurry

A Quarter year later she had a miscarriage
And my wife was burnt for dowry

Quarter of a year ago, I’d come here to SEE her
Quarter of a year later I’ve seen her off, forever!

Though this is a piece of fiction it is based on a true life incident. This is partly a fact from a very distant past that has recently become news in the papers once again. Inspiring me to write on it!

PLEASE let's work towards eradicating the Dowry system from Indian Society!

This post is also a part of the Z-A in 26 days Challenge at 'I Rhyme Without Reason'


jidhujose said…
its really difficult to change.......In Arabic countries, this system is in reverse. Boy's Father have to give money to Gal's Father.
on of the big challenges in india is this...i thought love marriages could be a solution, but then came another stigma - honor killings(who ever coined that stupid term)..
Increase in Education levels would definitely help.
Rogerogreen said…
Yes, that kind of thing is terrible, and unfortunately, not over. Barbaric.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Vivek said…
Really touching and heart felt poem Vibz...I'm glad you wrote about it and expressed so beautifully..May the message reach to everyone ...
AnnasAdornments, Swed. said…
I've heard about this before. There was a film documentary. It is admirable that you work for this cause to help prevent these terrible tragedies.
Best wishes,
Anna's abcWed.rd 7-Q
Leo said…
it is a sad practice for sure, and u send out a message to stop it through this well worded post!
Victoria said…
Love the header to your post. And your poem says it well. Changes happens in increments.
Bollywoodstylediaries said…
I am with u on this one..
vibhutib said…
Yes am aware. But am against the idea of money transactions during marriages!
vibhutib said…
yes, a radical change in thinking can come through education. but ive also seen educated citizens resort to such means too! What money can make u do!!!!
vibhutib said…
Yes Roger, It is sadly most definitely not over and i desperately pray for the same!
vibhutib said…
Thankyou Vivek. Just my contribution to bringing about a change in our society!
vibhutib said…
Hi Annas,
there have been many Indian mainstream movies too on the subject but sadly they havent helped much in eradicating dowry killing. :(
vibhutib said…
Thankyou Leo,
Im trying to do my bit!
vibhutib said…
Thankyou Victoria. We definitely await a radical change in thinking in every citizen of India. Just writing to do my bit for the greater good! :)
Nanka said…
Yes you are a crusader for social causes and I am with you on this take. This poem sounds like a vigorous campaign on social justice for womens rights and empowerment.A sad reality even in modern times :( Well thought poem and conveyed very effectively..
vibhutib said…
Oh Nanka, I'm not exactly a crusader but I do my lil bit by voicing my opinion through the only sounding board I got! Am happy you think this poem is a worthwhile effort! Thanks a ton..:)

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